Jan 13, 2011

editor in chief, jo-ann furniss has resigned ARENA HOMME PLUS magazine.

Geoff Campbell , arena homma plus annoucement

I am sorry to announce that after six years as Editor in Chief and now Creative Director of Arena Homme+ Jo-Ann Furniss has decided to step down.
 Jo-Ann is a highly regarded editor and we are all very sorry to lose her. During her time at Arena Homme+ Jo-Ann has built a world class team of photographers, stylists, writers and art directors and has evolved Arena Homme+ into the ‘must have’ biannual for the readers and industry alike. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Jo-Ann for all her hard work, creativity and leadership.
 She has done an excellent job in building the brand and leaves Arena Homme+ in the best possible shape. We all wish her well in her new ventures. 
 An announcement on her successor will be made shortly.
Geoff Campbell

Jo-Ann Furniss responds:

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the fantastic and talented people I have worked with over the past six years at Arena Homme+. It really has been a privilege to be involved in one of the great publications and many thanks to all of you for the help and support I have been given as Editor-In-Chief. 

Above all I have an unrivalled team of contributors who really are the heart and soul of Homme+ and have made the publication what it is for the past six years. To them I give the biggest thanks of all for being so inspiring, generous and supportive. I really feel so incredibly proud of the work we have done together over these years as a kind of warped ‘think tank’. Your incredible loyalty and creativity has been the best thing about heading the publication.

Finally, none of this could have been done without the designers and houses who make magazines like Arena Homme+ possible. Many thanks to you for having the unfailing belief in what we were doing with the publication over the last six years and spurring us on to push men’s fashion even further forward. A particular thank you to the designers for all the kindness you have shown me personally as well as being a constant source of inspiration and interviews!

I am sure I will be in touch about the next project.

benjamin warbis by nick knight x nicola formichetti

ed wesrwick by alasdair maclellan x nicola formichetti


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

I love Jo-Ann x

Anonymous said...

I wish she would fix L'Uomo Vogue

Siems @ Nahtlos! Das Lifestyle Blogzine said...

That is SO SAD! I L.O.V.E. Arena Homme, one of the best mags EVER! I am curious though what her next project might be ... Keep us posted, Nicola. Please :)

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