OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! IM SO TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!
her style is Inexhaustible! I love her!
Gaga and Nicola: TOP!
finally real statements are back
How does one accomplish so many costume changes and especially when said costumes are so amazing?
Not a fan of her music but I would like to rob her of her accessories -and Kermit!
You did an absolutely mind blowing job.
unbelievable. living for mcqueen archive.
she's a bit short for those gestures, however amazing...
dear nicola,
you've done an amazing work, it was really great!!!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
best from berlin
AMAZING you are a super stylish team. Love the McQueen
hahahaha brilliant picks! too bad i couldnt see it live!
omg I absolutley love it. All of it.
she has its way of getting her style :)
Oh gosh she really has taken the world by storm this the Haus of Gaga her label? I wonder what she dressed like as a child x
gross! she does not know how to dress for the occasion. truly horrible! EW! :S
Bloody brilliant.
Nicola... your heart must be full with pride. You've done such a beautiful job.
I feel tempted to say, I think you've outdone yourself.
Haha, the look in Marshall Mathers face is hilarious!
ok, i'm finally starting to get this all gaga thing thanks to you. at least fashion-wise. you're incredible at what you do!
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I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
I'm not into all the looks, but the stage costume was perfect for the perfomance and also the red dress with the crown. we liked it!
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