Jun 19, 2009


photography sebastian faena
styling nicola formichetti

excuse my weird voice...!!!!!

 sexy gaga!!!

me and gaga end of the shoot !!!!

V60 (july issue)  out july 7th


Nick Leonard said...

Oh my god! I cannot wait for this issue. I am subscribed to V. And I love me some Gaga. Fabulous styling.

Pascal Grob said...

why weird voice? it's not weird at all. great styling.

kuan.ieong c. said...

can i chew on you ?

Jay Puc said...

very nice video, you look so cute and im LOVE with lady gaga!
i want that metal head piece!!!

Anonymous said...

really really cute video.
what are you talking about? your voice isn't a bit strange!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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David Lynn said...

the right people doing the right jobs!

Jules said...

Nice video..=D You are so cute! And i like Lady Gaga too.=D Hope to see more from you.=D

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That video does not work anymore!

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